The domain of the unconscious is by definition, that which is not directly cognized by the conscious mind. Perhaps our most common experience of this is the difference between the sleeping mind and the awake mind. We also perceive a vast amount of information but only a small portion is available to our conscious mind. Much more can be retrieved through hypnosis, which effectively manages the conscious mind to allow the unconscious material to arise.
To access the unconscious is a three step process. First an intent is put in place. Then the conscious mind is put in a purely receptive mode so it will not actively filter out any thing. And finally, the unconscious material arises and is witnessed. The pendulum is a great tool because of it’s specificity and simplicity. Specificity is achieved by posing an intent that is concise and that accommodates communication by a small range of simple movements made by the pendulum. Allowing the subconscious body mind to channel the unconscious information further isolates the conscious mind.